Saturday, August 30, 2008

Speed Dating...

Yes...Liz and I did it again.
It was actually kind of sad...there were a there. Let's review them all.
  • 1: a teacher. Alright. I spent most of the six minutes talking about how he'd be good for Liz. Then he picks me...
  • 2: Boring. I don't remember anything else. All I wrote was boring. Maybe I fell asleep.
  • 3: I liked this guy. We talked about data and research. it turned not a very good first six minute date conversation, because I think I bored him to sleep.
  • 4: Had a British accent. I don't think I actually listened to anything he said, just the sexy way in which he spoke...mmmmm...Mr. Darcy...
  • 5: Poor poor number 5. I can't remember why though. Oh yes I can. Sad news. And, in the six minute date, he specifically said he does not want to date someone with kids, then went on to tell me stories of rejecting chicks with kids. Later, he picked me and said he could learn to "deal with my kid." No, I'm not joking.
  • 6: Ok...I kind of liked the military guy. You can punch me now. Please.
  • 7: Our local celebrity, reserved for Liz
  • 8: Dumb, dumb, dumb. I even made up a song for him. It goes dum, dum, dum, dumb, dumbdumddumbdumb... Plus he didn't know how old his kid was.
  • 9: The truck driving chipmunk. I don't think he got the "I didn't pick you, thus I'm not interested" hint, as he's emailed me fiddy times already.
  • 10: Motocross guy. Probably just good for one thing...
  • 11: I think this guy was on drugs. Seriously. No, for reals.
Lesson learned, even the "best" in this group, probably aren't that good. But Liz and I had fun. And we tried a new deliciously yummy pineapple martini.
Oh...and then ran into a dude I work with.

1 comment:

BEcky Farrar said...

Um, is it okay to admit I somewhat feel left out on this time you better tell me when you go. I can't believe I missed out on such entertainment!?