As Bonnie would say, I've been a bit of a Debbie Downer lately. Breaking up is hard, sad news. Being dumped is hard on my faith, hope, and other cliche terms. So, as of late, I've been lying in my dark apartment watching reruns. As most of you (all two of you who read my blog) know, I am writing a book about the hilarity of first dates. Inspired by the book The Year of Yes,

I have been writing of my first dates. Now that Melodie has given me the challenging of saying yes to everything (not just dates) I've been inspired to write another book. It surely has gotten me of my ass feeling sorry for myself and realizing the wonderful friends I have supporting me, even when I am a Debbie Downer.
How about we go see Kit Kitteredge on Friday? You have to say yes. I will buy the popcorn and candy.
Yay! That book is wonderful! Thank goodness you have a blog, so I can continue to be lazy and not pick up the phone. ;)
Friend, how goes the book??
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