Favorite food: The 'Sash
Quirks about you? I don't use the same towel twice.
How would the person who loves you the most describe you in ten words or less? I'm too hard on myself.
Any regrets in life? It starts with an "M" and ends with an "arrying a dumbass."
Favorite blog recently? Melodie, Bonnie, and Becky
Something you cannot get enough of? Shoes
Worst job you ever had? Waitressing. I'm not nice enough
What job would you pay NOT to have? Slide cleaner at McDonalds
If you could be a fly on the wall, where? At my stupid boyfriend's house, to see him crying over me.
Favorite Bible verse right now? I do not memorize things.
Got any confessions? I suck at opening bottles of wine.
If you had to spend $1000 on yourself, how would you spend it? pink sparkly Christian Louboutin shoes
Favorite thing about your house? My patio
Least favorite thing about your house? Not enough closet space
One thing you are bad at? Finding guys that don't suck
One thing you are good at? Writing
If you could change one thing about your circumstances, what? Find a non commitment phobe
Who would you like to meet someday? Justin Timberlake
What makes you feel sexy? High high heels
Who is your real life hero? Ben Franklin
What is the hardest part of your job? Leaving it at work
When are you most relaxed? When I'm sleeping
What stresses you out? Boys and bills, and things that start with D
What can you not live without? Aimee, Tivo, and my iPod
Do you agree with the recent article that blogs are authored by narcissists? Yes. Otherwise we'd keep our diaries secret
Why do you blog? Because I have no life
Who are you tagging? Bonnie and Becky, because I don't think anyone else looks at this
Rules:1. Answer the questions.2. Link back to who tagged you.3. Tag 8 bloggers in the above categories to do the same.
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1 comment:
nice job kym. I hope this fulfills the need to myspace for you. can you send me a link to Becky's blog- I lost it. love you
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