Cary Elwes starred as Wesley in The Princess Bride and also as Dr. Clement in Psych:9 (which is the same name as the USA show Psych, which airs after Monk)

Tony Shaloub appeared as Dr. Chester Ray Banton in a 1995 X-Files titled Soft Light. Cary Elwes appeared as FBI Assistant Director Brad Follmer in the X-Files, though they never appeared in the same episode. Also in X-Files episodes were Gleanne Headly, Mrs. Stottlemeyer and Tim Bagley, Harold Krenshaw.
Tony Shloub starred as Ian in the tv show Stark Raving Mad.

Chris Sarandon, Prince Humperdink, guest appeared in several episodes as Cesar.
Mandy Patinkin's

Cary Elwes was also in Hercules.

Robin Wright Penn and Traylor Howard were both born in 1966.

1 comment:
Oh thank heaven! I was so worried that Monk was not the center of the universe. I see know that all is right with the world. AH!
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