Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dating. Blah.

So you all know I am writing a book about all of my horribly funny dating experiences. But what happens when I go on a good date? I didn't think they actually existed. I thought they were more an urban legend of some sort. But Shanti decided to set me up on a blind date with a guy she works with, making sure to forward the experience with "but I am not a matchmaker." He actually called me to set something up in advance (again, I thought a man actually calling was just a nice fairy tale too.) We met for dinner at six tonight. And...I have nothing to make fun of! I never thought I'd see the day! He was really nice and polite and cute and interesting. After dinner he asked if I wanted to go get a drink. Of course I agreed. I didn't prepare for this! I never thought I'd see the date where I actually wanted more! So we went to get a drink next door. And again, he paid (another weird thing for me). We sat drinking and talking. Then our wine was finished, but we sat there talking some more. It was weird, but nice. Then, out of nowhere, he said he should go. So he walked me to my car, hugged me (HUGGED ME!) and left. Now I don't know what to think. Is this proper first date behavior for normal men? I thought the fact that he wanted to keep talking meant me may like me, but then the sudden departure made me think otherwise and made me go into my pessimistic "he'll never call because I actually want him to" pity spiral. I'm trying to be positive, and realize, because he lives 3 hours away, there really was no future to start with, but it's just a weird situation. One in which I've never been. So help! Is this normal, nice guy, dating behavior or is he shafting me?


melodie said...

That, milady, is a nice date. why do we women sell ourselves short and think we don't deserve a good date? It is like a shocker if those men do something worthy or respectful. why not expect the best. I am excited that it went well, and (call or not) you had a nice night. relax and let it be. You deserve the best... who wouldn't want you? text me to follow up. love ya

BEcky Farrar said...

Yes, you were correct, at least 10 blogs, thanks for the warning. I totally go in spurts as well. Glad it went well, and isn't it great to know if you go out again, you will and if you don't, you won't? ;)