1. He needs to ask me out at least a week in advance. I'm tired of the "do you wanna go out tomorrow night?" question. No I do not. I already have plans idiot.
2. He will have a definite plan. I saw a sign for the movie "He's Just Not That Into You" that said Hanging out IS NOT dating. So it's true. I will not be hanging out. I will be dating.

3. He will pay. I am all for women's rights and junk, but on the first few dates, he will pay.
4. Going along with number 3, he will come to my door, open the car door for me, open all other doors for me, and walk me to the door when the date is over.

5. He will not answer the phone or read a text. There could be some circumstances that would allow me to forgo this rule, but for the most part, the date is about us getting to know each other, not me realizing how popular he is.
6. After he's walked me to my door, he will not kiss me. I am going to quit kissing on the first date. I am worth a the wait.
7. He will tell me I look pretty. Because I do.
8. He will respond to my text telling him I had a good time when I text him the next day. Unless he is anti-text, in which case, there would be no second date for sho as we would obviously not be compatible.
9. He will call me within the three days after the date. And respond to my text telling him
Ok. I am sure there will be more, but not for now, because my Chinese food is here.
1 comment:
I hope you don't mind me commenting, but I think what you've wrote is pretty profound! I love the 'new attitude'.... it's very righteous! On my side of the planet... I've had a third date and we've still not kissed.... but, it will be worth the wait fo sho!! ...and hopefully more will come of our relationship. If not, I've made another very good friend!!!! I think in our contentment, the best will come to the top and I believe that for you, big time! You are all those things... beautiful, funny, sexy, smart and much more! No compromise will pay off some day. Blessings to you and Aimee!
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