1. I still have not named my puppy. We tried out The Dread Pirate Roberts (Westley) for a while, but I couldn't remember Westley. I think I may call him Puppy until Aimee comes home and then she can name him.
2. I've decided to expand my summer of yes (to everything but Dumb Boyfriends, Dino, and Dilapidated couches) to a School Year of Yes.
3. Puppy is cute.
4. I'm glad to go back to work.
5. Some things I've said yes to:
a. Hung out with Shanny in Denver. Pictures (with props) are to come
b. Went to a Sky Sox game with Liz

c. Had a BDay/Monk Season Premiere party with Melodie. There was cake, pin the wipe on Monk, pina coladas, pineapples, and Indian food. Can we say perfect night?

d. Was the Birthday Princess

e. Saw Mamma Mia
f. Got a puppy (duh)

g. Went back to work. Yay!
h. Hung out in Breckenridge with my family. It was so nice to do nothing for a week except play dominos and go to the pool. And eat delicious crepes.

i. Had a jewelry party and got lots of free stuff.
j. Went to Row 2's going away BBQ.