1.Mr. Darcy. Or Pride and Prejudice period, book or movie, version.

2. Reading Wuthering Heights.

3. Puppies, kitties, or baby animals in general.

4. Bloody marys.
5. Google image search.
6. Summer.
7. Bruce Springsteen.

8. Making lists.
9. Youtube videos of Justin Timberlake and So You Think You Can Dance.
10. Joshua from So You Think You Can Dance.

11. Writing my book.
12. Grammar and big words.
13. Hot firemen named Simpson. Or any hot firemen. Or any firemen.

I like all these things, but I am sad sad sad that Monk is not on your list. I thought obsessive compulsives made you happy.. what is up with that.
Lucky me: I get all the hot firemen here in the city! But for REALS: they are ALL hot!!!
OMG...I forgot our shared love of SYTYCD! I cried when Chelsee was voted off last week...she was my #1 pick.
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