Thursday, March 26, 2009

At Least I'm Not Dying Shoes

So, when Melodie was helping me move all of my junk, she packed up my shoes to go in my awesome new shoe closet and suggested, after I bored her with stories about them, that I highlight their awesomeness on my blog.

At Least I'm Not Dying Shoes
I bought this pair after I went to the doctor and found out I needed surgery again. Each time, she tells me to prepare for more surgery than we'd planned which scares me. So after my appointment, of course I went shoe shopping to cheer myself up. I wear them all the time because they make me happy, but the only pic I have of me wearing them, is of me, doing some line dancing, at Row's wedding.

Also, here are some other shoes I want to buy:

Today I'm thankful for: Not dying in the blizzard, awesome friends and family that help me move, and

1 comment:

melodie said...

these are awesome, not-dying shoes. You rock. You are a stylish diva and I want to be you too.