1. Become Your Own Match Maker- Patti Stanger-

This book took me like five seconds to read.

2. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies-

All I have to say is please please do not read this book. It is probable the worst thing I have ever read. I had to read the real Pride and Prejudice afterwards to get this horrible book out of my mind
3. The Shoe Queen- Anna Davis-

This was a book I impulsively picked up at the library, mainly because it deals with shoes. It was however, a pretty good book. The characters were well developed. The plot was not that original or gripping (married woman has an affair and falls in love with another man), but I really did get to know the characters. I would recommend this one.
4. The Book of Jane- Anne Dayton-
Another impulse pick from the library. It turned out to be Christian chick lit. It was not the great American novel, but it kept me entertained and had a warm fuzzy message.
5. Brave New World- Aldous Huxley-
This is one of my favorite books ever. I love the thought provoking plot and ideas. Are we heading in this direction? Thoughts?
6. The Shack- William Young-
I read this book after a lot of convincing from my mom. I hated it. I hate kids dying. I understand the "message" of the book, but I could not get over the little girl dying.
Any suggestions for #7?
Also I want an iPhone.