She's no longer a little girl. She is growing up to be the kind of girl I prayed and hoped she would become. She is brave, smart, and has the biggest heart of anyone I know.
She is kindhearted, always wanting to help those less fortunate. I remember once her second grade teacher told me that during recess one day, Aimee stopped playing with her friends because one of the handicapped boys was playing by himself. Aimee went over to him, sat on the floor, and made up a game he would be able to understand and played with him. Her teacher started tearing up telling me this story. That's the kind of girl Aimee is.
She recently started playing the saxophone. It makes me so happy to see her finally invested and doing something she is good at and enjoys. She's really good too! She's been playing only two weeks. Her band teacher told her that she was the best in the class. So start asking for her autograph now!
I thank God for bringing her into my life every single day. I love her more than anything, and can't wait to see the woman she will grow up to be.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
From my friend Jenna
You can only type ONE Word!
Not as easy as you might think. Copy or forward, change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers. Send it to 7 people including the person that sent it to you. I am very interested in your response.
1. Where is your cell phone? attached
Not as easy as you might think. Copy or forward, change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers. Send it to 7 people including the person that sent it to you. I am very interested in your response.
1. Where is your cell phone? attached
2. Where is your significant other? dreams
3. Your hair? hot 4. Your mother? supportive
5. Your father? smart
6. Your favorite thing? Aimee
7. Your dream last night? short
8. Your dream/ goal? happiness
9. The room you're in? only
10. Your hobby? shopping
11. Your fear? dying
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? married
13. Where were you last night? bed
14. What you're not? settler
16. One of your wish list items? shoes
17. Where you grew up? here
18. The last thing you did? played
19. What are you wearing? P.J.'s
21. Your TV? big
21. Your Pet? lovey
22. Your computer? slow
24. Your mood? sad
25. Missing someone? tons
26. Your car? dirty
27. Something you're not wearing? gown
28. Favorite store? H&M
29. Your summer? short
30. Love someone? tons
31. Your favorite color? sparkly
32. When is the last time you laughed? dinner
33. Last time you cried? now
34. Who will resend this? Bonnie
Why is karma so slow?
Sometimes it is so hard to realize that being a good person and doing the right this will pay off. Especially when I see people who are so mean and selfish and vindictive and cruel getting the good things in life. And pointing fingers at me for being the bad person. I'm trying so hard to develop the SIU attitude and look at what's really important in the big picture, but it's so so so so so hard. Especially when we have to keep dealing with it every day. So I need prayers or good vibes or whatever that 1. he becomes a better person and 2. I can wait that long.
Monday, September 1, 2008
My TiVo list...for Melodie
Since we haven't been able to talk about it in a while.
- Monk (obviously numero uno)
- Grey's Anatomy
- Lost
- Project Runway
- Psych (Have you ever seen a very attractive man solve a crime, I ask you)
- Desperate Housewives
- Kyle XY
- House (I want to marry Dr. House a little bit)
- Private Practice
- The Office
- Without a Trace
- Lipstick Jungle (Though I've only actually watched one episode ever)
- 90210 ( I had to)
- Cold Case
- Pushing Daisies (I kind of want to be Chuck. Except not dead)
- Law & Order
- Law & Order: SVU
- Law & Order: CI
- CSI: Miami (And I think of you all the time when the theme song comes on)
- The Big Bang Theory (Dorks=Hot)
- Raising the Bar (I've never seen it, but I had/have a crush on Zach Morris)
- Tim Gunn's Guide to Style
- What Not To Wear (Obvs)
- Dirty Sexy Money
- Beauty and the Geek (Though I'm not sure this show's even on anymore)
- The Millionaire Matchmaker (I want to be on this show)
- Miss Guided
- Cashmere Mafia
- Side Order of Life (Again, not sure if this show's coming back)
- Fear Itself (which, ironically enough, has absolutely nothing to do with fear)
- Shear Genius
- Wizards of Waverly Place (Not mine, I swear)
- Cory in the House (Again...)
- That's So Raven (Shut up)
- Baby Looney Toons (Haha...this part of the list is kind of funny, especially after I just ragged on Spongebob boy/man)
- In Plain Sight
- The Secret Life of the American Teenager
- Hannah Montana
- Disney Channel Games
- Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream
Speed dating real date number 1
So I went on the first date from speed dating. Never once have I thought, " adults is boring, I wonder what it would be like to date a frat boy." Everything, from the comic book tattoo
to the conversation revolving around his love for Spongebob to the fact that he lives with three guys like a frat boy, helped me to decide that from now on, I am only dating grownups who act like grownups.

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